
Hello, welcome to purplefrog01.  My name is Mary Beth, and I am a 16 year old student of the Ron Paul Curriculum.  The purpose of this blog is for publishing my writing assignments, and various discussions on other school related subjects.  Over the past year, the instructors of the Ron Paul curriculum have taken me through an academic transformation.  I have completely changed regarding my ability to learn.  This curriculum is a unique opportunity, and it will deliver a valuable education.

As mentioned, I am a student, therefore I do make many mistakes.  I would really appreciate your feedback on my work as it would help me to improve and become a better student.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.  Thank you for viewing this blog.


24 thoughts on “About

  1. I like your saying about ‘Striving for progress, not perfection,’ because no one on earth is perfect, after we get resurrected, then we will be perfect. I read that you will be posting some possible stories, I will be looking forward in reading those stories. I have written a specific story that i have told like a billion times, not on my blog, about 2 times; one in the About Me and the other in the 3 accidents that had happened to me.

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  2. phillip

    Hey, my name is Phillip and I wanted to leave a comment on your blog because I read that you like archery and horses, i like both but live in the city and I don’t really have the money to do them but when ever I can get my hands on a bow and arrow I take at least 50 go’s at hitting the center of the target. I have never heard the quote ‘strive for progress not perfection’ but i like it because its very true, another quote that I like and tell myself whenever I don’t want to do something that will help me in the long run is

    ‘you are the person that has to decide, whether to do it or toss it aside, you are the person to make up your mind, whether to lead or linger behind, whether to set for the goal thats afar, or just be contented to stay where you are.’

    Well I want to be the person who does it, leads, and set’s for the goal thats afar.
    I don’t have a blog yet because I just started doing this curriculum three day ago, but when I get one I’ll leave the link to it.
    Also if any of you have a google+ profile I have a minecraft community if you are interested https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/108361536300987457493

    If you want to contact me my email is -worthanugget @gmail.com- (be sure to take away the space that’s between the t and the @ symbol, I did that for safety reasons) this email is my second email that I made for the public, just I don’t like being spammed so please don’t do that (please note that if you do spam me you will be blocked).

    know that I like making new friends even if you don’t ever meet them in person, if I misspelled any thing or words are missing or there are some that aren’t supposed to be there its because I did not see them when I re-read this, bye!


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    1. Hi Philip! I am looking forward to your blog. I am pretty competitive with archery, and horses are basically my second life. I am not active on google+ right now, but if I am in the future I will follow you. Here is my email: maryb01@me.com I love how the RPC enables students to connect from around the world.

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      1. TardisBlue

        I went to “the south” for a while last year and I got to see some of those green tree frogs. They are so cute.
        The frogs where I live a called Wood Frogs. In the winter they freeze, and their hearts even stop! That tells you how cold the winters are!

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